Keeleco Orca - 33cm



Product of Antics
Apart of the Keeleco range

These eco-friendly toys are manufactured and stuffed with 100% recycled polyester from plastic waste. Weighted with recycled glass beads.

Fun Facts;
Orcas measure 5.5 - 9.8 metres in length (females are usually smaller than males) and they weigh up to 5,500 kg. The male orca's dorsal fin can be up to 1.8 metres making it the largest of all the cetaceans (marine mammals including whales, dolphins and porpoises).

Dolphins and whales are closely related. Orcas were given the name ‘killer whale’ by ancient sailors’ observations of groups of orcas hunting and preying on larger whale species. They called orcas ballena asesina, or ‘whale killer’.

Orcas are generalist eaters, consuming fish, seals and sea lions, dolphins and porpoises, sharks and rays, large whales, cephalopods (octopods and squids), seabirds and more.