Brown Kiwi with sound 14cm



Product of Antics
Approx 14cm tall

Realistic sound/ song
Non- replaceable battery included

Made with recycled PET fibre materials

Fun Facts:

The North Island brown kiwi is a species of kiwi that is widespread in the northern two-thirds of the North Island of New Zealand and, with about 35,000 remaining, is the most common kiwi.

The kiwi bill is long, pliable, and sensitive to touch. It's the only bird in the world with external nostrils at the end of its beak. They rely on these nostrils, and their keen sense of smell, for hunting. They probe in the ground with their long bills, sniffing out invertebrates, seeds, fruit, and small animals. Studies have shown kiwi can detect worms buried several centimeters below ground.

Kiwi eggs can be anywhere from 15 to 25% of the weight of the female.
The Brown Kiwi is faster at breeding than other kiwis. They can produce up to two eggs in one clutch and have one to two clutches a year.